Has the American July become the European August?

close up of footprints in the sand at sunset

Has the American July πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² become the European August πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί ?

Meaning: is everyone in the U.S. on vacation this July? Europeans are a great role model for vacationing in August. Maybe we’re learning an important lesson about how to best live our lives.

From a business perspective, however, everything feels slow right now:

1. Email replies take a while if they come at all

2. New client work has slowed down considerably

3. Reservations have dipped at our family owned restaurant

Why could this be? Maybe …

1. People are taking longer summer vacations (a great thing!)

2. More intense heatwaves across the U.S. are tiring us out (not so great)

3. The quality of my outreach and content is lacking (feedback welcome!)

More importantly, what to do? Or not do?

Author Dorie Clark inspires me with the concept of “strategic patience.” Meaning: doing the work, day after day, without any guarantee of success. Showing up, every day, and taking action. And while you’re waiting, taking daily steps toward creating the future you want, independent of whether anyone else responds.

My July experiment of posting every day to LinkedIn is an exercise in strategic patience. I’m collecting data to see what happens when I share content daily. Some days people engage with my content. Other days, not so much.

That’s okay. Because I’m testing and learning for the future. And I’m sharing what I learn with my network. Hopefully I can help others with their own content strategy to fuel their unique goals.

Someone else who inspires me is Zoey Zheng. She is a 2023 MS grad of the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. Zoey recently posted a very real look at the challenges of the job search. Her post was authentic and vulnerable, addressing the anxiety, the doubt, and the toxic positivity. She also took a powerful stance in her post. She generously shared the many resources she’s found helpful during her job search. In the hopes that she can serve others.

The lesson I take away? No matter how difficult things may be for us personally, there is always something we can do to help ourselves and to help others in the process. Thank you, Zoey! And with her talent and tenacity, I can’t wait to see what lucky employer makes her an offer.

Lastly, sometimes the best action is no action. Timing really is everything. It’s best to reach people when and where they want to engage. If business is slow and if people are on vacation, those are signs. It may be time to ease up on the outreach, relax ourselves, and enjoy each moment as it comes.

What do you think about life and work in July?



3 Ways to Build Your Personal Brand on Your LinkedIn Profile

How can you build your personal brand on your LinkedIn profile? ✨

People often ask that question in the talks I give on personal branding at the UCLA Anderson School of Management.

Here are 3 actions to get started in sharing your unique value on your LinkedIn profile. You can make them easier to do by tackling one each week.

⭐ CUSTOMIZE YOUR HEADLINE. Don’t let your current job title be the default. Instead, tailor your headline. Focus especially on the initial words. Why? The first 2 to 3 words appear under your name in search and comments. Weave in keywords for skills and accomplishments you want to be known for and found for.

⭐ REFRESH YOUR ABOUT SECTION. Tell your professional story in an engaging way. Share insight into your values and motivations. Let your personality come through. Open with a compelling first line that will encourage people to read more. Add up to 5 skills you want to be known for and found for.

⭐ TURN ON CREATOR MODE. Choose up to 5 relevant content hashtags that will display on your profile. These should reflect your professional interests and expertise, both what you want to be known for and what content topics you post about. Post content that you create or curate at least once or twice a month.

Remember that your LinkedIn profile is a work in progress, just like you and your career. Your profile should change and evolve as you do. And if you don’t like something you’ve changed on your profile, you can simply change it again. Experiment to see what works best.

What do you want to know about building your personal brand?


Compete Only with Yourself

compete only with yourself


Compete only with yourself. 🚴

That’s where the true contest is.

βœ… How can you stretch and grow?

βœ… What can you do better today than yesterday?

βœ… How can you beat your personal best?

Much of what we read, see, and experience is about a competition for what we perceive are limited resources. College admissions. Professional jobs. Pay raises.

Comparing ourselves to others on social media makes this even worse. It looks like everyone is doing better than us. No one has problems. Life is easy.

Except this isn’t true. Deep down, we know it intellectually. But feeling it emotionally is another story.

What if we reframed our perspective? What if we approached our lives and careers as if there were more than enough go around? As if there were plenty of opportunities?

Because there are. We live in an era of multiple global problems that need to be addressed. Pick a way to make a difference, and go do that.

And if you’re competing only against yourself, it’s much easier.

People often ask how I navigated a 30-year career in the Fortune 100. How did I get jobs and promotions?

What I realized is I was usually competing only with myself for jobs. Often I was the only candidate being considered. And that makes it easier to be selected!

After my first career change into corporate communications, I was eager for more responsibility. But it wasn’t happening where I was. The company wasn’t growing. People stayed in the same roles for years. To grow, I needed to change companies.

Professional associations are a source of connection and learning for me, especially IABC and the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). This is how I met Wendy Greene and Jeff Torkelson. Jeff and I are also alums of the same MA program at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, a strong connection.

One day I called Jeff by way of Wendy, who gave me his contact info (pre social media!). There was a business reason I wanted to reconnect, unrelated to a job search.

Jeff and I chatted. He mentioned some challenges in hiring a communications manager. The former manager left the job. Interviews were conducted. No one was hired. Would I be interested in talking with his team at DIRECTV about the role? Um, yes!

A series of conversations ensued, including hiring manager Rosemary Heath. I was thrilled to receive an offer and move to a growing company, 5 years into its run as a pay-TV provider.

Unless I missed something, I suspect I was the only candidate. The question may have been, “should we hire Caroline, yes or no?” rather than “which candidate should we choose?”

And it turned out pretty well. I grew from a manager, to senior manager, to director, to senior director, to vice president in 6 years. I went from an individual contributor to the leader of a team of 45 communicators in 9 different states.

How have YOU landed great new jobs?

P.S. Thank you, Wendy, Jeff, and Rosemary!


What is Your Sunday Routine?

Hello Sunday, with yellow flowers

How can your Sunday routine help you enjoy today and make the most of the week ahead? 🌻

Being intentional. Being present. Being curious.

These mindsets are especially important on Sunday, so the day isn’t frittered away.

And if you can practice them on Sunday, you can bring them to every other day of the week.

Sunday is traditionally a day of rest. This is ever important in our faster and faster world, where so much is coming at us. (Looking at you, ChatGPT, Threads, and the never-ending news cycle.)

It’s also a day to get centered and focused. To enjoy life, and to lay the foundation for the work week ahead.

Here are concepts to consider …

🌻 SLOWING DOWN. Under schedule, do less, and create space. Yes, this can be hard for the hyper achievers here on LinkedIn. But what if you listened to what your body, mind, and soul are telling you? This morning I work up, without an alarm, at the usual 4:30-ish a.m. (Annoying, I know.) But I was still tired. So I let myself sleep a little more.

🌻 SAVORING. Intentionally noticing what you are doing and enjoying it in the moment heightens the experience. What are the sights, sounds, and smells around you? What are the feelings you are having? What else and who else are there? Observing, pondering, and being curious in the moment will also help savor, and remember, the time.

🌻 SPIRITUALITY. This can have many interpretations. Here it’s about seeing yourself in life as part of something much bigger than yourself. You get to define what that means to you. What are your values? What and who are important to you? How can you be a force for good in this vast, interdependent, and complex world?

It seems like work has taken on spiritual proportions. In the United States, we often “live to work” rather than “work to live.” But work doesn’t love us back, no matter how many hours we put in. And there is always more, more, more work to do. At the end of our lives, and every day until then, it’s the relationships and the experiences that we will remember and cherish.

Being a more whole and balanced person also makes us better leaders, employees, and parents. We’re better rested and fulfilled, with more wisdom and perspective to navigate through problems, reach our goals, and contribute to a better world.

What are your Sunday routines? And how much more satisfying could life be with a little Sunday energy, every day of the week?

What Happens When You Post Daily on LinkedIn?

What happens when you post daily on LinkedIn? ✍️

A week ago, I decided to find out. I began a reprise of an experiment I did in 2017. At the time, I posted every weekday for a month, collected and analyzed data, and shared my findings in this article.

Back then, I was testing a hypothesis about how many posts are needed in a month to reach a certain percentage of my network.

Now, I’m doing a slightly different experiment. I’m posting daily, including weekends, during the month of July.

My hope is that this data will be valuable to you, too, as you think about your own content creation strategy.

I’ll share interim updates in July, and a full report in an article in August.

In this experiment, I want to answer these questions about content creation:

πŸ“Š What content is most engaging, or valuable, for serving my network?

πŸ“Š How can I increase the quality of my network through content creation?

πŸ“Š How will content creation enhance my personal brand?

It was a bit daunting to start this experiment during the 4th of July week. It feels like this week has evolved into what the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is like. Everyone seems to be on vacation. This is great for quality of life, and not so great for interest in business content.

But I pressed on. Thanks in part to encouragement from various people.

And I’m happy I did. Here are some numbers for the past 7 days:

πŸ“ˆ Post impressions are up 862%

πŸ“ˆ Profile views are up 147%

πŸ“ˆ Search appearances are up 11%

Qualitatively, I’ve noticed other changes.

They all have to do with the ratio of salespeople (who I DON’T want to meet) to professionals (who I DO want to meet).

As a coach, consultant, and speaker, I hear from a LOT of salespeople who want to “fill my business pipeline and increase my revenue through done-for-me marketing.” No thank you. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

What is changing in these first 7 days?

Profile views, connection requests, and DMs are all evolving. I’m seeing and hearing from much more interesting corporate professionals and business owners. These are exactly the people I’d like to get to know better and serve through my content.

My daughter thinks these changes are because the salespeople are on vacation this week, too. But time will tell as July unfolds. 😊

What questions do YOU want to see answered in this experiment?