What’s Getting in the Way of Your Dreams?

Overcoming obstacles on the journey of life

You have career dreams. Every day you work hard to make them come true. Yet maybe you’re not where you want to be yet. Maybe you feel stuck where you are. Perhaps you’re not enjoying the journey.

So what’s getting in your way? Where are you getting stuck ? How is that preventing you from making the impact you want?

The surface answer may be the outcome of relentlessly comparing ourselves to others. In everyone’s carefully curated social media feeds, we often forget we’re comparing our real lives, full of messiness and challenge, to everyone else’s near-perfect highlights reel. No wonder we can feel we fall short.

It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that achieving a big dream takes time. Dreams don’t happen overnight or in a month or even a year, as many success stories on social media would have you believe.

Everyone has a dream

A wonderful antidote is the opening words from Barbra Streisand and Jamie Foxx’s version of the song Climb Ev’ry Mountain. Thanks to Leslie Lupinsky, I discovered this inspirational song. Leslie along with Jeff Jacobson led of one of my life-changing coaching courses at the Co-Active Training Institute.

The song begins with dialogue:

Everyone has a dream, don’t you think?

Yes, but the question is how do you make it happen?

Well, first of all, if you can imagine it, then you can achieve it

But it might take a lot of time, and it might take a lot of hard work …

It’s the hard work part that so often gets glossed over. If it doesn’t appear that others have had to work hard for their success, we can start to wonder what’s wrong with us. What is making our path so difficult? Why is it taking so long to achieve our career dreams? How can there be so much rejection along the way?

Finding inspiration in others

Here’s where the long and winding paths of others inspire me.

One is Marie Forleo. She wanted to coach people and help them discover, as the title of her book says, that Everything is Figureoutable. It took her seven years (!) for her coaching business to become sustainable. In between she worked a variety of jobs as she relentlessly pursued her dream. Oprah now calls her “a thought leader of the next generation.”

Another is Susan Cain. She wrote a bestselling book called Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking. Based on that, she gave a top 25 TED talk on the power of introverts. How long did it take her to write her book that sparked a “quiet revolution”? Seven years!

Above all, they both persisted through many twists and turns in pursuit of their deeply held dreams. A long-held dream was to make other people’s lives better as a result. There are lessons for us in their stories.

As a result, here’s what I take away from their examples, my corporate years as a communications and marketing leader, and my entrepreneur experience (so far!).

Kick fear to the curb

First of all, why do we have fear in our lives? It protects us from extreme risks that could ultimately derail us. Fear comes to us through our inner critic. It’s the voice that whispers in our ears. You’re not good enough. You don’t have what it takes. You can never do it. If we listen long enough, we begin to believe it. Fear becomes a dream killer. What to think and do instead? Thank our fear for alerting us to dangers, take mitigating actions, and set fear aside.

Be a victor, not a victim

Also, when we believe the rantings of our inner critic, we can view life in victim mode. We start to believe we’re not active agents in our own lives. A negative running commentary can set in. I can’t do that. It will be a waste of my time to even try. The deck is stacked against me. A victim mentality can lead to paralysis, and and endless feeling of being stuck. What to think and do instead? Recall times you took control and overcome challenges. You’re a victor, so remind yourself you can do it again.

Take relentless action

Finally, thinking ourselves out of problems doesn’t work. We have to take action. Sometimes a challenge can feel so daunting that it’s hard to know where to start. Begin with the simplest step. Maybe it’s creating your career dream in the first place, in beautiful detail. Perhaps it’s having a development conversation with your supervisor, to start creating a path toward the future you envision and the contribution you want to make. Or it could be taking better care of yourself mentally, physically and spiritually so you have more energy and enthusiasm to pursue your dreams.

What does this all mean?

With all of this action, what are the implications for you how show up on social media? As a start, you can consider sharing your struggles as well as your successes. How are you overcoming obstacles? What are you doing to handle rejection? How are you persevering toward your dream?

Since the beginning of this year I’ve had plenty of personal experience with rejection. Two articles I wrote were rejected for publication by HBR.org, the online part of Harvard Business Review. People who indicated interest in working with me stopped responding to messages. Some of my speaking proposals resulted in rejections. And there’s more, but I won’t bore you.

All that said, there were also successes and new doors that opened. Consequently, those are the ones I choose to focus on.They are the ones I rejoice in and celebrate.

Above all, the rock-solid belief in our own ability and our own agency is what keeps us going. Ultimately it’s what makes the day-to-day journey so much fun. And that’s what life is all about.


3 Professional Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2020

2020 social media trends


To boost your career through social media in 2020, what social media trends are important for professionals? What can you apply from digital marketing to your work life? And what will most easily fit in your busy schedule?

There are three social media trends for professionals worth considering. How did they rise to the top?

As a start, sifting through dozens of social media trend reports over the last few weeks yielded significant data and insights.

Next, reflecting on the experiences my clients, my colleagues, and I have had on social media gave new perspectives on what’s changing.

Lastly, learning from the weekly industry news sharing in the class on social media I taught this fall rounded out the trends.

Here they are …

Private groups are the new black

More and more, social media is migrating away from public feeds into private groups with a curated group of members who have common interests. People are looking for more authentic and more meaningful interactions on social media.

Part of it may be a desire to skip the often negative parts of social media, in our polarized times in the world. Another big part is the role of Facebook, which has declared, “the future is private” in its strategy to integrate Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp.

For professionals, the biggest implication is the value of groups on LinkedIn. You can foster stronger relationships in groups related to your professional interests, among people with common interests. You can learn from each other and share relevant information. You can become better known among people who are the most meaningful for your career.

Joining LinkedIn private groups — meaning those that are unlisted — requires that you be invited by the group administrator. By connecting with new people frequently and sharing valuable content with your network, you may find yourself invited to join private groups.

In addition, joining groups, whether listed or unlisted, enables you to expand your LinkedIn network, which in turn makes it easier for people to find you.

You can even start your own group, if you want to create your own curated community of people who can support and learn from each other. And you can join up to 100 groups. Find new ones by using the LinkedIn search bar.

Video eats the web

The rise of video isn’t the newest trend, but it’s certainly accelerating. Cisco predicts that 81% of world’s internet traffic will be video by 2021. As someone who loves the written word, I find this a bit challenging. But it’s hard to deny the data on video traffic and engagement.

This year I experimented with social media minute videos on LinkedIn. The purpose? To share tips from my book, What Successful People Do in Social Media: A Short Guide to Boosting Your Career.

While my LinkedIn articles this year got views of up to 500+, my videos often performed up to five times better. The top performing video attracted more than 2,500 views. Of course, there’s a bigger commitment to reading an article or blog post than watching a one-minute video with captions.

There’s also a much bigger investment of time in writing an article than recording a video. So consider how you could incorporate more video into your professional updates in the coming year. Because the majority of people scroll through their social media feeds without sound, captions are a must. If you’re looking for an easy captioning option, check out Rev.com.

Instagram is your contacts list

Instagram for work, really? Bear with me for a moment. A strong presence on LinkedIn is a professional must. It seemed for a while that Twitter was the secondary place for professionals to share their ideas. However, with the tremendous growth in Instagram (1 billion+ monthly actives and counting), I believe it’s now the next-best place to share about your career, your colleagues and your company.

Instagram is also an easy way to connect with someone you just met in a professional setting. All you do is follow each other Instagram, and voila, you’re connected with a single tap. In fact, Taylor Lorenz of The Atlantic explores How Instagram Replaced the Contacts List.

If you will be hiring talent in the coming year among millennials or Gen Z, being on Instagram is a must. Potential job candidates will want to know what you’re like as a leader and decide whether they’d like to work with you. With unemployment still at historic lows, a vibrant Instagram feed of engaging content can help you attract great people.

And don’t forget about Instagram stories. With 500 million+ daily actives with stories, this is where much of the daily action can be found. Stories give you an opportunity to take a bit lighter and more playful approach to the workplace. You can save the ones you like to your highlights, and let others disappear after the designated 24 hours.

What if your Instagram is currently more focused on your personal life? If you don’t want to mix the professional and personal, you could consider making your account private for your friends and family. You can then open a second account that’s public and focused on your professional life.

What About TikTok?

TikTok is enjoying cool-kid status, for sure. TikTok is a video-sharing social networking service owned by ByteDance, a Beijing-based company. It reportedly has 800 million monthly active users worldwide, and it’s growing like wildfire.

How should you think about Tik Tok from a professional perspective? Because it’s so new, yet growing by leaps and bounds, it’s something to keep an eye on. Be sure to learn about it. Check out how people and brands are using it, and how that usage evolves. But you don’t need to add it to your professional arsenal just yet.

Just One Thing

If you do just one thing on social media in 2020, make it a commitment to sharing high-quality content with your network. What have you learned that could help others? What have you discovered that could inspire people in their work lives? What are you most excited about in your work life?

Share that.

What is the one thing you will do on social media in the coming year?



A Surprisingly Non-Tech 2019 Social Media Trend


‘Tis the season for social media trends for the coming year.

For what’s ahead in 2019, I read several articles. Expecting to see a preponderance of tech-related trends – such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and new platforms – I was surprised to conclude that the biggest trend is decidedly non-technical.

But let’s start at the beginning, with some of what I read and the three key trends I took away from it. My perspective on trends has to do with how they will help you grow your career and/or your company in the year ahead.

Worth a read or a listen on your own are the following:

7 Marketing Trends for 2019 (That Are Here to Stay) from Sumo

13 Social Media Experts Share Their Biggest Piece of Marketing Advice from the Buffer podcast The Science of Social Media

11 Content Creation Hacks: Strategies & Tools to Take Your Social Media to the Next Level – the most popular 2018 episode from The Science of Social Media podcast according to its listeners

Planning Your 2019 Social Media Calendar? 13 Tactics to Step Up Your Game from the Forbes Agency Council

Top 5 Social Media Trends for 2019 (And How Brands Should Adapt) from Hootsuite

From those sources and more, here are my three big takeaways for 2019 trends.

First, video continues its explosive growth. By 2021, video traffic is forecasted to be 81% of all traffic on the Internet. This is according to Cisco, in the 7 Marketing Trends for 2019.

The article has great stats on how Google searches more and more are including video. So not only is video a great way to make your content more discoverable, it’s increasingly the way people prefer to consume information.

Keep it short, under 30 seconds or so. Shoot vertical video. Experiment with documenting the non-proprietary parts of your work days to see what resonates the most with your networks.

Second, Instagram Stories are a must. Related to the ongoing video trend, Stories are “now growing 15 times faster than feed-based sharing” in Instagram, according to Hootsuite’s Top 5 Social Media Trends. In the next year, Stories will “surpass feeds as the primary way people share things.”

If you’re not yet using Stories to showcase what you’re doing in your work life, this is the year to experiment. Going to a conference? Giving a talk? Delivering on a big (non-proprietary) project? Volunteering in the community? These and many more are perfect for sharing in Stories.

To get started, begin viewing stories from others to see what resonates with you. Approach Stories with a learning mindset and have some fun by experimenting with the various features. Here’s a great guide from Hubspot to getting started with Stories and making them like a pro.

Third, social media success is all about quality content. Whether the form is videos, images or words, nearly every trend piece I read emphasized the importance of quality content. That gives you a multitude of opportunities to grow your career through social media this year.

Everything you do could lend itself to creating great content through short posts, articles, links, photos or videos. At the start of the year, look at what’s ahead month by month and start creating a high-level content calendar. Of course, as always, don’t post proprietary or competitively sensitive information.

Content planning is the key advice from Sunny Lenarduzzi, one of the experts featured in The Science of Social Media podcast. She says, “if you wait to the last minute or ignore creating a content calendar for the month, your content will suffer because you’re rushing everything.”

It’s also important to take time to get to know your audience and what’s important to them. In the same podcast, Donna Moritz from Socially Sorted was featured as advising to, “focus on creating quality, core content on a platform that you own (your blog/website, podcast or video) that helps solve your audience’s biggest challenges.”

Also highlighted, as Gary Vaynerchuk said in a recent interview, “My show and my social accounts are not a platform from which I talk about what’s important to me. It’s a platform from which I talk about what’s important to you.”

Ultimately, high-quality content is critical to your success because “it will help you show up on Google and it will help your posts show up and get more engagement on social media sites,” according to Bill Widmer in the Sumo marketing trends article.

The most important element of this content focus is that it’s something you can control. Your discipline in sharing content on a consistent basis with a point of view that adds value to your connections is what it’s all about.

No one else has experienced the work world in quite the same way as you have. No one else has the unique perspective that you do. Sharing your original content that adds values to the people in your network is the most important thing you can do in social media.

What trends are you focused on in the coming year?

What’s Your (Social Media) Theme for 2019?


What are your hopes and dreams for the new year?

In taking your journey toward them, do you want a fun way of getting there?

Here’s an idea. Choose a theme word for your year.

What’s that? It’s a single word you pick to characterize the kind of year you want to have.

While there’s a lot going on the world that is beyond each of our individual control, there’s one area of life where we have complete control. And that’s ourselves. Our thoughts. Our decisions about how to choose to show up in the world. Our choices about how to respond to adversity or to good fortune.

Our thoughts and feelings are powerful forces. A theme word can help focus and channel them toward action to achieve our deepest desires.

As I shared at the beginning of another new year, a theme for your year can help you in four ways.

First is MOTIVATION. A theme is a personal rallying cry you can apply to everything you do, in social media and in real life. It can give you the motivation to take small steps toward your goals, day after day. Big things happen through small, consistent actions.

Second is FOCUS. A theme is a continual reminder of what’s important to you. And what’s not. It helps you decide in an instant if you’re spending your time in the most important ways to you — and with the people who are important in your life.

Third is INTEGRATION. A theme brings everything in your life together, both professional and personal. Your actions support and build on each other in an integrated way. It’s a powerful form of working smarter, not harder.

Fourth is MEANING. A theme gives purpose and meaning to every action you take. Your reason for choosing your theme gives you the “why” of your goals and actions. That makes you more likely to continue working toward them and ultimately achieving them.

When I wrote about theme words in two previous years, I was impressed and inspired by the words people shared with me as their own theme words. Opportunity. Strength. Momentum. Inspire. Feedback. Stretch. Courageous. Development. Fancy. Growth. And so many more.

2019 is my ninth year of having an annual theme. The first year, in 2011, was motivated by struggling with feelings of burnout after a particularly intense work project. The work was a success, but my life wasn’t.

So I embarked on a path of thinning out my commitments on my calendar, my clutter in my home and office, and even myself with better nutrition and exercise. That is how THINNING became my theme word.

Last year my theme was BUZZING. That requires a bit of explanation. The full story is in my post about 2018. But the quick story is that standout marketer and entrepreneur Seth Godin writing about about “buzzer management” inspired me.

Seth started the quiz team at his high school. But as he wrote, it “took me 30 years to figure out the secret of getting in ahead of others who also knew the answer (because the right answer is no good if someone else gets the buzz): You need to press the buzzer before you know the answer.”

He went on to say that once you buzz in, the answer will come to you. And even if it doesn’t, the penalty is small. He says “buzzing makes your work better, helps you dig deeper, and inspires you. The act of buzzing leads to leaping, and leaping leads to great work.”

I’m here to tell you that he was right. By picking buzzing as my theme last year, I spoke up and spoke out more often than I had in the past. I said things before I was fully ready. Of course, being a balanced risk taker, I backed up my buzzing with planning and acting and building a foundation in the direction I wanted to go.

And how did things turn out?

I’m happy to say I launched my own business, long a dream of mine, called The Carrelle Company. It grew out of this blog, a side gig I kicked off on New Year’s Day 2015. I’ve been observing and researching and writing about how people build their careers and companies through social media. Now I’m writing, consulting, speaking, and teaching about that as my new career.

One of the newer rituals I added this year was inspired by Danielle LaPorte, a soulful author, speaker, and entrepreneur. Her belief is that by being clear on our feelings, we can design our lives around taking actions that lead to feeling the way we want to feel most of the time.

At first this concept was a bit challenging for me. On the Myers-Briggs personality spectrum, I’m on the “thinking” rather than the “feeling” side, meaning that I prefer logic to emotion. Yet I yearned to feel differently than I did.

So I dipped into Danielle’s workbook to identify what she calls “core desired feelings.” After reflecting on I was grateful for and what wasn’t working, I eventually landed on five words that are my core desired feelings.

One of them is “creative.” Its definition of “originality of thought,” along with “inspired” and “visionary,” really spoke to my soul. Given that writing, blogging, consulting, speaking, and teaching all rest on a fountain of creativity, I was drawn to it as a core feeling.

As I thought about the most important thing for the coming year, it’s being as creative as I possibly can. That led naturally to my theme word for the year: CREATING.

One step at a time, I’m creating my new business. I’m writing a series of books on what successful people do in social media. I’m developing social media plans for clients. I’m preparing for several speaking engagements. And I’m designing a social media class to teach in the spring.

I look forward to sharing much of this creativity with you through my blog and my books.

Every day, I’ll be focused on creating.

How about you? What theme word will inspire and integrate your year?

How to Write a Blog Post People Will Love: Part 2


When you’re trying to write a blog post that people will love, sometimes you can’t fit everything into the ideal length of 600 to 800 words. What can you do? Break it into a series of shorter posts.

Part 1 of this topic covered themes, points of view, headlines, opening words, and the ideal length. Here’s part 2 covering creating visual interest, engaging others, weaving in data and research, ending strong, editing your post, and reading other blogs for ideas and inspiration.

Make it visually interesting

Include photos, videos and/or infographics to make your post eye catching. You can also spice up your text by using subheads, bullets, numbered lists and white space. My rule is to keep paragraphs at four lines or less to make them reader friendly.

Use formatting options in platforms like LinkedIn to draw attention to call-out quotes by way of bold italics. You can also sprinkle images and/or videos throughout your post for visual interest.

Engage others

Consider how you can weave others into your post. If you can quote someone or highlight a best practice that they do, this rounds out your post with a variety of perspectives. This provides supporting points for your overall message.

It also potentially increases interest in and engagement with your post. The people you’ve included may be inclined to comment on and share your post. You can also mention them as you promote your post in various social networks, so they’re sure to know you’ve included them.

Bring in the data

Cite interesting facts and research in your post, and link to them. This anchors your post in data and supports your key points.

Influencer Neil Patel, for example, cited research that “marketers who blog consistently will acquire 126% more leads than those who do not.” If that data point doesn’t convince you of the value of blogging, I don’t know what will.

Be sure you’ve read the full link and are comfortable with its contents before linking to it. Why? Because every bit of content you create, like, or link to reflects on you and your professional image.

End strong

Your ending is almost as important as your lead. Here you want to spur your reader into action. What will they do differently as a result of reading your post? How have they accomplished what you talk about in your post? What questions do they have and will they leave a comment?

Career blogger Penelope Trunk had great advice in her online course, Reach Your Goals through Blogging. She advises to “write and write until you find the thing that surprises you.”

Edit, edit, edit

Set your draft aside and come back to it later, whether it’s the next day or the next hour. Read it with fresh eyes. Ask yourself if the piece flows appropriately from one idea to the next.

Look for areas that might need more explanation for your readers. Edit out repeated words (always a challenge for me) and unnecessary phrases. Make sure all the links work properly.

Read blogs

Study what types of blog posts and articles appeal to you. Ask yourself what specifically engages you. I love reading posts from many of my former colleagues in the corporate world – Anne Chow, Mo Katibeh, L. Michelle Smith, John Stancliffe and Jason Dunn, to name a few.

Sometimes it’s the things you don’t want to write, or that seem too personal, are what people love the most. A few recent examples on the more personal side are A Love Letter to the Amazing People I’ve Worked With and my corporate farewell remarks in Are You Doing What You Really Want to Do?

I almost didn’t write my post about 7 Things Not to Do in LinkedIn. At the time, I didn’t think I’d be adding anything new to the existing body of knowledge. But I wrote it because someone left a comment asking for it. And it became one of my most-read pieces.

That’s my moment of surprise. Sometimes the topic that doesn’t seem exciting to you will be of great interest to your network. If you look at the analytics of all your posts, you may find your own surprises to inform your upcoming posts.

What other ways do you write posts that people will love?