We’re at about the one-year mark for our stay-at-home lives to stop Covid-19. There’s light of the end of the tunnel. People are wearing masks and socially distancing. Case positivity rates are dropping. More vaccine doses are becoming available.

And yet there’s also a sense of extreme fatigue. Time has taken on odd proportions. Days blend into nights. Days becomes weeks. Weeks become a year.

As I contemplated the month of March, a feeling of sameness crept in. All I saw on the calendar was work, work, and more work. Don’t get me wrong. I love the work. And I’m thankful to have it.

But life is not solely about work. It’s about people. It’s about enjoyment. It’s about the journey.

What was missing from my calendar were all of those times. Time with friends. Time for fun. Time to simply BE.

It’s time to take a break already. As humans we’re wired to work, play, and rest. When it gets out of balance, everything suffers.

What’s a fun break you will take today?