Feeling uncomfortable? Keep going.

When you’re on unfamiliar ground, how do you lead through discomfort?

Our inner critics can come out when we’re learning something new. When we’re leading through a challenge. When we’re not sure what to do next.

This inner critic may be trying to protect us from disaster by telling us we don’t know what we’re doing. We’re going to fail. We should stop right now.

But, really, how true is that inner critic?

What if we just kept going instead?

Of course, it can help to assess risk. It can be valuable to make course corrections. It can be wise to seek feedback and advice.

But overall, keep moving forward.

This uncomfortable feeling has surfaced for me as I commit to learning Spanish over the next few years.

I’m taking Spanish 1 at a local community college. More here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/leachcaroline_learning-spanish-activity-7103129806455672832-8RjY?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

After the first week of class, my inner critic was in overdrive. It’s hard to memorize the vocabulary and accent marks. I’m not pronouncing the alphabet correctly. I didn’t get 100% on a few of my homework assignments.

The conclusion? I should just quit now.

But what if I got curious instead? What if I looked at the discomfort head on? What if I saw being uncomfortable as a sign of growth?

And the most important: what if I let go of perfection on my learning journey?

It takes time to learn anything new. There are going to be difficulties along the way. And I’m here for it. I’m okay being uncomfortable for a while.

How about you?