As the adorable blue fish Dory said in the movie, Finding Nemo, when you’re lost and you don’t know where you’re going, just keep swimming.

That’s a great mantra for the strange and unprecedented year 2020 turned out to be. Everything is changing minute by minute. Change has always been in our lives. Yet before it was often imperceptible. Now, dynamic change sometimes feels like it’s happening every hour.

It’s in the shift to working from home, longer term. It’s in the shift in how we socialize virtually. It’s in practically every way we live our lives.

So if you feel lost, you’re not alone. No one really knows what will happen next. That can be scary. It can also open up a whole new world of possibilities. It’s a liminal moment — a transitional stage — where we’re betwixt and between the world as we knew it before Covid, and what the world will be like after it.

We still have agency in our own lives. We can pursue goals. We can connect with others. We can try new things. We can just keep going. What are you doing to keep swimming in this liminal time?