How Will You Make the Most of the Second Half of the Year?

It’s the middle of the year and a long holiday weekend. 🇺🇸 What better time to reflect on where you are and where you want to go?

Here are 7 reflection questions to supercharge the rest of your year …

👉 What are you proud of so far this year?

👉 How are you performing on the annual goals you set?

👉 What’s working well?

👉 What would you like to do better?

👉 What are you excited about?

👉 What’s one action that would increase your leadership impact?

👉 How can you make the most of second half of the year?

Sometimes it’s all too easy to focus on what’s NOT working well. That’s how our brains work. We go right to the negative. (And this week’s news cycle certainly lends itself to that.)

Yet when you take the time to reflect on what you’re proud of, it’s easier to see how much progress you HAVE made.

And what you’re EXCITED about is what gives you energy.

That energy is so necessary to navigate daily challenges, bounce back from rejection, and keep going toward your biggest and most exciting goals.

How will you make the most of the second half of the year?

Get Your Social Media Success Workbook, newly updated with a LinkedIn profile checklist

Get your Social Media Success Roadmap workbook, newly updated for 2023!

You’ll find 50 questions, actions, and ideas to build and Cover of Your Social Media Success Roadmap Workbookboost your career through social media.

The workbook now includes a LinkedIn profile checklist, to make the most of your digital presence and help people find YOU.

It’s a companion piece of my book, What Successful People Do on Social Media: A Short Guide to Boosting Your Career (available on Amazon).

Here’s to your success![Download not found]

What’s So Great About Working From Anywhere?


With all the news about return-to-office policies, a middle ground of hybrid work seems optimal in many cases.

This gets the best of collaboration and culture building with a few days in the office, balanced with a few days of remote work for better focus, productivity, and work/life integration.

As an example, I’m working in Mammoth Lakes, California this week, a five-hour drive from my home base in Los Angeles.

My dad is visiting from the East Coast to attend meetings in Mammoth. While he’s a pretty active 80-something-year-old, I jumped in as the driver and travel companion.

How is this working out?

🔴  Coaching and consulting client meetings continued on as usual via Teams and Zoom

🔴  New client proposals got created and delivered as usual

🔴  Admissions committee work for the graduate program I teach in continued on

🔴  Event and catering inquiries for my family’s Redondo Beach restaurant Pacific Standard Prime got responses

🔴  Driving from LAX to Mammoth, my dad and I met my son for lunch at UCLA between his classes

🔴  My dad and I spent time together and caught up on each other’s lives

🔴  The change of scenery in the stunning and still-snowy Eastern Sierras brought new perspectives and ideas

Overall, it’s been an integrated and effective way to combine work and life.

Of course, having my own coaching, consulting, and speaking business The Carrelle Company means I can work wherever and whenever I need and want to.

Doing restaurant-related work remotely was a bit trickier, however, and more limited in scope.

There are many ways to do great work from anywhere. There are many ways to combine the best of being in the workplace at times and being remote at times.

What works well for you?