Can You Change in an Instant?


Is it possible to change in an instant?

Conventional wisdom says no. Change involves multiple steps. Change takes time. Change is hard.

Yet there is one thing you can change in a moment. What is it? Your mind.

You don’t need more than a moment to decide you will think in a different way. You will act in a different way. You will see the world in a different way.

Endlessly inspiring in this area is one of author Gretchen Rubin‘s “twelve commandments of happiness.”

Here it is . . .

Act the way you want to feel.”

Not feeling so good, physically, emotionally or spiritually? Start acting the way you’d rather feel.

If you want to feel happy, start acting that way. If you want to feel energetic, bring a bounce to your step. If you want to feel valued, start by appreciating someone else.

And if changing your life in an instant seems too far fetched, try these tips from Nicolas Cole for how you can improve your life the most in a single day.

His best advice?

“Be today who you want to be tomorrow.”

Who do you want to be tomorrow?

Just start acting as if you already are that person.