Make the Most of What You Have


Sometimes it’s all too easy to think about the things you don’t have.

But writing down 3 things I’m grateful for every night has had an interesting benefit. It reminds me to to take full advantage of everything I already have.

Here are a few examples:

Your employer. Are you taking advantage of on-the-job and other learning opportunities at your company? I thought about this today as I completed an online marketing course on building strong brands through my company’s learning portal. It’s a blessing to be in an environment that invests in and focuses on learning and development for the future.

Your professional association. If you belong to a professional group, are you taking full advantage of the many networking, learning and leadership opportunities? I enjoy the webinars available through organizations such as IABC, PRSA and SHRM, plus the great professional networking in the Forum Group of senior-level corporate communicators.

Your alma mater. Are you involved with your college or grad school? There are great opportunities to give back through volunteering, mentoring and speaking. And you have a built-in network at your alma mater. If you live nearby, you can attend sporting and cultural events.

Your library. Many libraries are providing all kinds of new services, from e-books to the online learning platform. I love the “new releases” section of my library, where I can load up on interesting books for free.

Your gym. Is there a new class you could try at your gym? They’re often included with the membership and are a great way to add variety to your fitness routine. I’ve enjoyed sampling a variety of yoga classes, adding stretching and balancing to my cardio and weight program.

Your video provider. What are you streaming these days? I love my DIRECTV app and the apps I can access with my subscription, like HBO GO and TVLand. (Full disclosure: I work for this company and opinions in this blog are my own.) Great entertainment is always with my on my phone or tablet.

Your smartphone. How can your smartphone make your life easier? What new apps can you download? Your smartphone connects you to practically everything and everyone. A good question to ask when starting any new project is how you can do it on your smartphone. Mine is coming in especially handy for my daily 10 minutes of Spanish study on my Rosetta Stone app.

Your community. What’s going on in your community? Are there free concerts coming up this spring and summer? Other information and learning opportunities? These are great ways to connect with your neighbors and get more enjoyment from the community you call home.

How do you make the most of what’s already in your life?

Year-End Rituals


One of my favorite year-end rituals is to take stock of the last 12 months.

How did I do on my goals? What am I proud of? What am I grateful for?

It’s something I write free form and by hand, as a numbered list. It’s roughly chronological, but several items inevitably creep in out of order. That’s okay. It could be a metaphor for how life plays out.

My camera roll, calendar and to-do lists all provide digital breadcrumbs to capture the highlights of the last year.

When I started to reflect on this year’s goals, I didn’t feel I’d achieved as much as I set out to do. The year started with a few big question marks.

What was going to happen when the company I work for was acquired by another company? Where was my son going to go to high school? Where was my daughter going to apply to college?

For the last 5 years, I’ve chosen a theme for each year. It’s a personal rallying cry, and all of my goals for the year fit in with it in some way. This will be the subject of another year-end blog post.

Then comes my life vision statement, as a reminder of why I’m on the planet and how my theme keeps me focused on that reason for being.

And then there are goals in the categories of health, family, career, finances, spirituality and social/community.

Health. Everything starts with good health – for me and my family. I did pretty well with near-daily exercise. And it was fun trying new activities, like standup paddle boarding, yoga and cardio barre.

My green day challenge with Fitbit is ramping it up to a daily action. And the new exercise shoes I break out every Jan. 1 are in my closet, ready to go for my 2016 workouts.

This reflection makes me thankful for good health. It always makes me think about what I could do better next year. My biggest opportunity is sleep. That is, getting more of it. My goal was at least 7 hours a night.

It was frustrating to see minutes subtracted for restlessness on my Fitbit, so I stopped tracking sleep. I wanted credit for every last minute in bed.

It’s time to try Sleep Cycle over the holiday break. I’m eager to see what it feels like to be awakened during the lightest phase of sleep, within a 30 minute period of my choosing.

Family. This has been a year of transitions. Our son finished 8th grade and needed to choose where to attend high school. He decided to continue at his same K-12 school and increase his academic commitment. Happily, heading into winter break he’s on a better path, scholastically speaking.

Our daughter started her senior year in high school. She made her list of colleges, finished most of the apps over Thanksgiving weekend and is wrapping up the few due in January. Much to our surprise, she already received a letter of admission. But for the most part, it’s a waiting game until March.

It’s like anything in life. You do your best. You focus on what you can control. And then you do your best not to worry about what you can’t control.

It’s time for her to finish her first semester strong, enjoy experiences with her friends and keep up with her job and other activities.

Also in the family arena was doing fun activities with my spouse. We worked through the NY Times-inspired 36 Hours book with weekends ranging from Malibu to Hollywood to Dallas.

We visited colleges in Seattle over spring break, went to our nephew’s graduation from college in San Francisco and returned to our alma mater for a UCLA football game at the Rose Bowl.

On New Year’s Day 2015 while I watched the Rose Parade, I decided I wanted to go the following year. That’s where we’ll be on Jan. 1, 2016.

For this, thanks go to author Laura Vanderkam and her advice to create a list of 100 dreams – or activities within a few hours of your home that you can do on weekends to make them more special.

Career. On New Year’s Day of this year, I launched this blog. My purpose was to explore the field, the function and the future of corporate communications, against the backdrop of our rapidly changing world.

Part of that change was a pending acquisition of the company I worked for. The deal closed in July. The goal I set at the beginning of the year was to contribute to the success of the merger of the two companies. Beyond that, I wasn’t sure exactly how the rest of the year would take shape.

But I’ve been surprised and delighted to find myself in a new role this fall, doing new things and working with new people. What a tribute to the company I’ve joined and the focus on developing people.

Finances. While I did save the max for retirement, I now need to focus on diversifying my investments for better performance. I’m looking forward to a financial planning day over the holiday break.

Refinance our house before interest rates rise? Check. And my goal to buy a new car? Well, let’s just say that some goals come to fruition, but not in the way that was initially intended. We got my daughter a car this summer, so she can drive to school and work. It makes all of our lives better.

Spirituality, social and community. A few highlights here are that I enjoyed my involvement with a mother-daughter charitable organization, a city committee on traffic safety and leadership of the women’s employee resource group at my company.

There were a few other community and civic involvement activities I pursued but that didn’t come to fruition. They became learning experiences in what I’d do differently next time.

Looking ahead. This year-end wrap up had many benefits. It made me smile to remember good times with family, friends and colleagues. It made me proud of several accomplishments. It reminded me that I can bounce back from adversity. And it highlighted how much there is to be grateful for.

Giving Thanks


Gratitude gets a lot of positive press these days. As well it should.

It’s all too easy to overlook the many things we have to be grateful for. As my daughter often reminds me, we have first-world problems.

Reflecting on today’s Thanksgiving festivities, I’m grateful for being reminded that life is about much more than my list of things to do. It’s about special people, memorable moments and unprecedented freedoms.

What a blessing it was to look around our living room and see three generations of family members laughing together and enjoying each other’s company.

There is so much promise ahead for the youngest family members. Our nephew graduated from college this year. His cousin, a college senior, joined us because his family is in Ohio. My daughter is completing her college applications this weekend.

As much as I’m driven to get everything finished, today I set my list aside for the most part. I enjoyed getting our home ready for visitors. I enjoyed helping my husband cook dinner (thankfully, he’s a great cook). And I enjoyed our dinner conversation.

No awkward questions. No political discussions. No disruptive drama.

Just family, friends and love.

How can we all take a little Thanksgiving with us, every day of the year?

We can do it by remembering what’s important in our lives – wonderful people to love, interesting work to do and a grateful heart to give thanks.

As I embark on my learning project, I’m refining my “daily dozen” of important things I do every day. One of them is to write down 3 things I’m grateful for at the end of each day.

Today I’m most grateful for my family, for our great country and for this blog.

It’s through writing that I stay calm and confident in my ability to solve any problem and surmount any obstacle. It’s through writing that I find new insights and ideas. And it’s through writing that I can express gratitude.